Project EDWARD campaign aims to eradicate road deaths

One of the most important road safety campaigns is underway this week across the UK.

Project EDWARD – Every Day Without a Road Death – is running until September 17 and is backed by government, the emergency services, highway authorities and road safety organisations.

The long-term objective of the campaign, which includes a number of UK-wide awareness-raising events, is a road traffic system free from death and serious injury.

With its range of road safety and hostile vehicle mitigation systems, Hardstaff Barriers is proud to be playing an important role in the fight against road deaths.

The company is the leading manufacturer and supplier of life-saving vehicle restraint systems (VRS), which are designed to protect road workers and road users from collisions.

Yet despite the hard work of road safety professionals in the UK, five people are killed every day and over 60 are seriously injured on our roads.

Hardstaff is backing the #ProjectEDWARD campaign and is urging other companies in the industry to do the same.

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